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Social responsibility is embedded in every aspect of our business.

Our human resources practice focuses on the fair and just treatment of our employees and crew, providing everyone with equal opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
We offer a healthy and safe working environment on board our managed vessels and ashore. From the rigorous way we implement safety policies to the quality of the food served on board and at our head office, everything is tuned toward the well-being of the company’s personnel and crew.
We constantly monitor Key Performance Indicators on employee work conditions, such as Lost-Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) at sea, and take relevant actions promptly whenever necessary.
Thriving relationships with businesses and communities
We strive to respect local communities and contribute to their development in every area we operate. We fully comply with – and often exceed – local regulations on Health, Safety, Security, Quality, Energy and Environmental Protection. A notable example is Thenamaris’ compliance with the Exceptional Compliance Program (ECOPRO) in Washington State (U.S.). This voluntary program aims to control and mitigate marine pollution risks in the State’s territorial waters.
Thenamaris works closely with thousands of local businesses, such as suppliers and port agents, applying strict principles related to transparency and an ethical way of working. Our focus on creating long-term win-win relationships helps our business partners grow with us.
Advancing societal well-being through dedicated corporate social responsibility initiatives
Thenamaris is committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and prioritizes its support areas based on society’s needs. These support areas include Culture, Education, the Environment, Health, and Social Welfare. Throughout the years, Thenamaris has contributed to numerous organizations and causes. In 2023, the company focused its CSR activities and associated grants on Social Welfare, the Environment, and Health.
Thenamaris has been a Grand Benefactor of SYN-ENOSIS, the Greek Shipowners’ Social Welfare Company, since 2016. SYN-ENOSIS aims to undertake nationwide initiatives to support vulnerable social groups affected by adverse economic conditions in Greece. SYN-ENOSIS’ initiatives address health, social care, maritime education, and social projects of public interest. Notable projects supported by SYN-ENOSIS include infrastructure and equipment upgrades for Merchant Marine Academies, funding for welfare centers protecting vulnerable groups, and donations of specialized equipment to public bodies like the Hellenic Coast Guard and the Fire Brigade, as well as technology equipment for public schools nationwide.
The 2023 grant to SYN-ENOSIS was designated for Social Welfare and Health initiatives. Social Welfare aid was distributed to beneficiaries across different prefectures in Greece through local organizations. Health initiatives included funding for the reconstruction of bathrooms at Evangelismos General Hospital and the General Hospital of Nikea as well as the renovation of two negative pressure chambers at the 251 Air Force General Hospital. Additionally, in response to the severe flooding in Thessaly, Greece, during the summer of 2023, Thenamaris made a substantial donation to SYN-ENOSIS to aid those affected by this tragic natural disaster.
Desmos is another strategic CSR partner of Thenamaris, with whom we have collaborated since 2015. In 2023, our support through Desmos included financial aid following the earthquake in Turkey and charitable drives for those affected by natural disasters. Four donation drives were also organized during the year, with employees providing items such as food, Christmas gifts, and school supplies for vulnerable groups.
Thenamaris also supports Mercy Ships, a non-profit organization operating the world’s largest hospital ship. Mercy Ships provides free healthcare, community health education, mental health programs, and palliative care to terminally ill patients in some of the world’s poorest countries. We participate in the annual Mercy Ships Cargo Day, a global fundraising initiative within the shipping and trading community to support the organization’s humanitarian work.
Thenamaris also contributed to Boroume to cover operational expenses for their ‘Saving & Offering Food’ program, which reduces food waste and increases food donations to charities. In March 2023, a team of Thenamaris employees visited a farmers’ market to collect leftover fruit and vegetables which were then donated to the Hospice for Neuro-disability in Athens.
Thenamaris also continued to support GIVMED in 2023, specifically the MEDforNGOs program, enabling the provision of pharmaceuticals to various non-profit organizations in Greece.
As part of our commitment to environmental protection, Thenamaris partnered with the Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace and contributed to two programs: one focused on deploying canine units to protect the biodiversity of the Dadia forest; the second focused on evaluating the impact of the destructive 2023 fires in the Dadia and South Evros forests and determining the necessary measures to be taken in their aftermath.
Through its dedication to CSR, Thenamaris actively contributes to various areas of societal need, fostering positive social impact, environmental sustainability, and support for vulnerable groups.